Reflections Academy of Beauty
Iyou're interested in becoming a cosmetologist or esthetician, the first step is to enroll in a cosmetology or esthetics training course. This course will give you the knowledge and skills you need to pursue a career in this field. You'll learn about basic hair care, skin care, and makeup techniques, as well as more advanced techniques such as styling and coloring. You'll also learn about safety protocols, customer service, and sanitation. Upon completion of the course, you'll be eligible to take the licensing exam and pursue a career as a cosmetologist or esthetician. f
If printing out the application, please complete all information and return it to attention Jamie, and we will contact you.
The following items may be submitted at the end of the application,
or you may bring them at the time of your appointment.
Please note, application will NOT be processed until all items are turned in.
Any questions or concerns please call the office at 217-425-9117
Student Aid Available
for those who qualify
Present at the time of your appointment or Upload:
Driver's License or State ID
High School Diploma or GED Certificate
Your Social Security Card
2 References (Personal or Professional)
"Why I would like to join Cosmetology and/or
Esthetics school and pursue a career in this
industry. (include: where you see yourself in
the next 5 years)​
100 Registration Fee ( Pay in person)
Click the link below and follow the instructions to receive an estimate of how much students similar to you paid to go to RAB.
You will need our school code to apply for FASFA: 041894